Editing NOW!

Everyone Needs a Copyeditor!

What kind of editing do you need?

Academic Papers*
Business Letters
Fiction | Poetry
Book Proposals
Personal Communication
Website Copy
Business Proposals
Advertising Copy
Papers for Publication
Employee Manuals
Software Manuals


Why You Need an Editor

Is your writing clear, effective, and powerful? Who is your audience? Are you writing to their level? Does your communication draw people to your service or product?

Copyediting is a professional skill that can benefit anyone's writing. Whether you compose Websites or letters, academic papers or business proposals, your writing can be improved by a copyeditor.

Client Testimonials

Read what these clients have said about my work. Let me help you make your writing experience better and easier.

Editing Rates

I offer high quality editing with a fast turnaround at reasonable rates. Your rate will depend on a variety of factors, some of which include text length, how quickly you need the edit, whether it includes citations or is very technical, and whether you need fact-checking or content editing. I accept payments via PayPal or the Cash app.


Let me give you a quote on your composition. Describe or your composition to me, and I'll estimate your cost. (Be sure to give me the approximate word count.) I'll also be glad to do a sample paragraph edit. My rates are competitive and fair.

My Resume

For a description of my qualifications, please see my resume.

I have produced and edited journals, textbooks, brochures, advertising copy, graduate research papers, theses, papers for publication, newsletters, business proposals and other materials, employee manuals, product catalogs, family histories, websites, and much more. You will find my skills are varied and suitable for all levels of composition needs.

Contact Me

Describe your composition, giving a full word count, type of text (e.g. academic, fiction, technological), and your deadline, and I'll give you a quote within 24 hours or possibly the same day. Do let me know if your need is urgent. If you send a portion of your text, either as an attachment or within the email, I'll give you a sample edit. You can be assured of confidentiality.


*PLEASE NOTE: I cannot ethically edit student papers that are evaluated on writing skills (e.g. for a composition class) without misrepresenting your ability to your instructor. If your instructor for a graduate class sends me permission to give your paper a professional copyedit, or for theses, I will be happy to offer a quote.


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